About Inventory Software
Inventory Software developed by Next Barisal is a low cost complete business Inventory management software designed for Industrial Suppliers, Buyer, Dealers, Stockists, Distributors, Agents, eCommerce Owners, Shop Owners, Retailers, Buying House, pharmacy etc. Inventory Software by Next Barisal supports complete Stores Inventory and stock Management, Multiple Warehouse Management, Invoice, Purchase Order and other formats Printing and Order Processing for Purchase as well as Sales.
Why you should use Inventory management system?
Getting absolute benefit in the present competitive world it is obligatory to maintain business timely, accurately, competently and according to demand of time and customers. What are your competitors doing to meet the demand of Era? Its need to say that, almost 80% business over the world using business functional software to run their business.

Our Inventory Software Special Feature
- Multiple Store Location Management.
- Sales Management.
- Purchase Management.
- Reorder stock
- print or email purchase order
- Multi User Software.
- BarCode Scanning and Printing.
- Stock Transfer, Stock Adjustment.
- Print PO, GRNs, Dispatch, Stock Reports.
- Large Number of Reports.
- Send email and SMS when Stock Low
- Alert Product is older
Installation Fee: 30,000 /- TK
Service Charge – 2,500/- TK / Month