Point of Sale (POS)
Your super shop may maintaining paper based Business Process for items, Sales, Purchase and inventory. Although, record keeping is not difficult but generating reports has become a major problem area in the current manual Business Process. We are a Leading POS Software Provider in Bangladesh,We provide POS Software which will keep records and generate daily, weekly or any periodical reports of items, Sales, Purchase, Accounting & Inventory which is normally prescribed for day to day activity.

Features of POS Software
- Customers: You can add unlimited customers name and their details like address, mobile number, email address etc.
- Items: You can add unlimited products or item here with stock information, supplier name, inventory info etc.
- Suppliers: You can save your supplier information here with their contact details.
- Receiving: If client back your product then this option will help you to receive the product that will hit your inventory
- Sales: This option help your sales person to sale your product from stock & receive the payment by cash or card
- Employees: You can add unlimited stuff with individual access level. Employee can use this software according to their access level.
- Store Configuration: You can set or edit your shop information, address, phone number here.
- Unlimited User
- Access from anywhere
- Unlimited PC access
- Unlimited Employee Access
- Individual access & user panel
- Low cost & best support
Development Tools:
- Language: PHP, Ajax, Java, Javascript, Jquery.
- Tools: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap.
- Database: MySQL

Installation Fee: 20,000 /- TK
Service Charge – 1,500/- TK / Month